Avocados are a superfood that are part of a healthy diet. They have numerous health benefits and after several years of research, SP Nutraceuticals (SP Nutra) has found a way to harness these benef...
Avocatin B Protects Against Lipotoxicity and Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Diet-Induced Obesity
Therapeutic agents that are safe and effectively inhibit fatty acid oxidation (FAO) and improve diet-induced obesity (DIO)-associated pathologies are currently not available. AvoB™’s mechanism of ac...
Avocado (Persea americana Mill.; Lauraceae) seed-derived polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols (PFAs) or polyols (i.e., avocadene and avocadyne) are metabolic modulators that selectively induce apoptosis...
Chromium supplementation was associated with some improvements in body composition in subjects with obesity/overweight. The effect size was medium and the clinical relevance of chromium as a weight...
The available evidence suggests favourable effects of chromium supplementation on glycaemic control in patients with diabetes. Chromium monosupplementation may additionally improve triglycerides an...